Yellowtail at the Bellagio

YES, YOU READ THAT RIGHT! I was (somehow) permitted to show my face at the glitzy Bellagio casino/hotel–right in the middle of the Las Vegas strip. Who let me in there? Last week was BU’s spring break, and I was lucky enough to visit Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and of course: Las Vegas. Being a “Vegas Virgin” I had no idea what to expect… and it hit me hard. There were an absurd amount of things to see and do (and eat) but Yellowtail definitely tops that list.

I traveled with medium sized group who were all, in a word… “thrifty.” (Even though they all spent hundreds gambling… what the heck?) Now I’m no high roller, but if I’m going to spend money it’s going to damn well be on food. I was originally worried… VERY worried… that the classiest joint I’d be dining at was Denny’s (that being said, we DID eat there 3 times). My roommates, however, were also staying at a separate hotel on the strip, and they like to do it up big, no Denny’s for them. Did I mention that it was my birthday?

Anyway, after several days of hole-in-the-wall burrito shops, Burger King, and complementary cheese and crackers, my roommates whisked me away to a birthday dinner at Yellowtail. Yellowtail is an EXTREMELY upscale Japanese restaurant that needs no introduction (unless you haven’t heard of it before) and is frequented by billionaires and celebrities alike, and rightfully so.

We ate like fricken royalty. We started out with a bottle of champagne, then some edamame. THEN–my personal favorite despite the fact that I’m slightly allergic to it–ROCK SHRIMP. It was fried but it was delicate, with spicy mayo and some other flavorful sauce cascading down the sides. I wish I had taken a photo, but this isn’t the kind of place people would use flash.

A few other appetizers flew around: salads, dumplings, sashimi… and EVERYTHING was the best of its kind I’d ever had. We also had some seriously beautiful cocktails… this photo doesn’t do it justice but I ordered some sort of cucumber martini that came with a fancy tomato garnish.

cucumber martini... or something

cucumber martini… or something

After appetizers and drinks, our sushi rolls came. Mine was RIDICULOUS. It seemed normal, you know, spicy crab with avocado and cucumber… but they added POP ROCKS to it. There were pop rocks in the rice, pop rocks inside the roll, and pop rocks on the plate. You could literally hear it sizzling from the pop rocks while the waiter set it down on the table. And it was damn good, too.

We were in a bit of a rush after that so we didn’t get desert (obvi–girl on the go’s gotta make it to the club on time) but I’m sure it would have been equally glorious. Of all the restaurants I’ve ever been to, Yellowtail is definitely top 5.

post meal, feelin fat

post meal, feelin fat